John Freeman
I drink coffee. I build things. And I write about system design at eloquentarchitecture.com.
Deconstruct the Magic
Whenever something feels like magic, it means I don't fully understand it. To truly grasp and improve things, I must go beyond the surface and examine the underlying machinery.
Modern JavaScript is Changing
There is a surge of modern JavaScript libraries whose whole goal is to deal with HTML instead of JSON. Apparently, this makes the whole development process simpler and much more productive.
Solving PHP Scaling Issues
We have an export feature that can build an Excel file over the course of many background jobs. Worked beautifully for years. Man, those were the days.
Locality of Behavior on its own isn't enough
The LoB principle dictates that the behavior of a unit of code should be as obvious as possible by looking only at that unit of code. But I think something is missing from this discussion.
Dashboard Date Comparisons
Dashboards like Stripe's, let you see values compared to a previous time period. Let's take a quick look at how we might begin to integrate this kind of functionality into your Laravel app's dashboard.